Friday, April 25, 2008

WorldSoccer 100 Movers & Shakers

The May issue of World Soccer just hit the stands in the USA. While in circulation since April 11th in England, today was the first time I actually saw the 100 Movers and Shakers issue.

I must admit to being terribly flattered and also humble at the thought that in the estimation of the Editorial Staff of that esteemed publication they would rank me 14th in the World of the 100 Movers and Shakers.

For me, I have never looked at my work in those terms. It has simply been a process of representating my constituency and speaking up for those issues I believe in; never expecting that those beliefs would have led to the positions I hold both at FIFA and CONCACAF and the opportunities that each of them present.

The idea that one person can actually make a difference is very often the motivation I have in taking on tough and even unpopular issues. In the past, I have found satisfaction in the accomplishments and never in the focus of self importance. To the contrary, I feel blessed to have met and worked with so many wonderful and interesting people over the years and thank each of them for their contributions in making my output successful.

To the editors, a thank you for this note of recognition and I offer the hope to be able to continue to earn your confidence through what I do in the future.


  1. Hey Chuck,
    interested to know, do FIFA blog on their site? I don't find anything. Yours is great_ shows a different face of FIFA_ they need that don't you think??

  2. Tee...
    Not aware of any blogging on the FIFA site but they do provide space for commentary. I appreciate your comments on my blog and hope you continue to enjoy reading it.

